Support the LOCR

Support the LOCR

Obviously we have no expectations, we love making reviews and will keep doing so but with a bit of support we could really take the show in some great directions. To help out, it’s as simple as watching and sharing our videos. The advertising in the videos is a pain but please remember that it helps support not only the show, but also the website, hosting costs and equipment.

If you would like to make a more direct contribution we really appreciate any donations. We aim to be clear how your donations help the show, whether monetary or game/accessory donations. If you wanted to see what we’ve already got in our collection, check out our Videogame Collection.

Regardless of how you interact with the leftover Culture Review, you’re supporting us in doing what we love so thanks for the support, the messages, the thumbs up and the thumbs down.


Friends of the LOCR

Mike McCarthy Zombies ate my Neighbors, Exo-Squad, Sketchin’, Death Duel, Game Genie
Dan X-Men 2: Clone Wars Check out the Physics of Videogames on Facebook