Earthworm Jim (Sega Megadrive (Genesis))

Earthworm Jim (Sega Mega Drive (Genesis))

This is where the adventure begins for our humble Earthworm

The original Earthworm Jim is a really strong platformer and compared to the second game, it really is mostly platforming.
The thing that stands out the most is the quirky humour in this game, and it was completely unexpected at the time but most of it is actually funny. The worm handles well, there are plenty of funny, interesting and inspired stages and it’s a well polished, well developed game.

It’s hard though, and this seems to be a running niggle across many games for me but with Earthworm Jim, you’ll be playing through many times. It’s a long game without any save feature or password system. I couldn’t blame any gamer who gave up during the submarine trip in the third level, but (SPOILER) there is a secret area you can reach by driving through a wall with lights on it.

If you’re keen for a challenging platformer with more adult overtones and humour, Earthworm Jim is a fine choice.

Did you know Earthworm Jim had his final, original 2D adventure on the Game Boy? You can check out the Leftover Culture Review for Menace 2 the Galaxy here… But be warned, the late 90’s wasn’t a good time to be an Earthworm.

If you like Earthworm Jim, maybe you’d like to check out the Playmates toyline from the 90’s.