Last Resort (Neo Geo CD)

Last Resort (Neo Geo CD)


LOCR Producer: Continuing on with SNK’s delight in destruction and fast paced arcade shooters, Last Resort is a game with an awesome atmosphere, a range of enemies and bloody hard gameplay.
For anyone looking for games for their Neo Geo CD, this is one of those titles which loads to begin and then for a few second between stages. What you will have to deal with though is slow-down. I haven’t played the AES version of Last Resort yet, but I imagine with the leap to CD came a few hardware and software limitations… or the conversion process had some unexpected complications.

Last Resort is an interesting title for me because of its ties to both the R-Type and Metal Slug franchises. SNK and Irem had deep connections when they were both running the arcade scene, often sharing developers. Irem had a bit of a monopoly on post-apocalyptic games with intense details and animations, which is thoroughly evident throughout SNK’s games.

When Irem were cutting back, a few developers started their own company, Nazca, responsible for the Metal Slug franchise. It’s a mess, but it becomes apparent that throughout the time when SNK and Irem were in power, influences were shared, great games were trailed and improved upon and games like Last Resort show an effort from multiple influences.