Mighty Max Slays Doom Dragon – Doom Zone Playset review

Mighty Max Slays Doom Dragon

Doom Zone Playset review

When the Mighty One gets teleported into the belly of a terrible dragon, he doesn’t need to just survive, he needs to use his quick wits to defeat the evil magician Ravendark. This cavernous lair opens to reveals the dark magicians quarters and the cave of a fierce dragon among the rocks.



On the outside of the playset we get a fantastic dragon’s head. The two tones of green give the scaly head a little depth. The nose is two thin slits, matching the reptilian eyes with the teeth grabbing focused, dripping in blood.

The broad head does a great job capturing the detail of a dragon head while setting up a strong theme for the playset.

Doom Dragon was released in 1992 with the first wave of Doom Zone playsets, coming out alongside Mighty Max liquidates the Ice Alien, trapped by Arachnoid, Skull Dungeon and Wolfship 7.




The comic

The cartoon

Let Sleeping Dragons Lie! is the sixth episode of the Mighty Max Animated Series. The episode was written by Ken PontacDavid Bleiman, and Mark Zaslove and first aired October 17, 1993.




A raven flies over the ocean and into a cave shaped like a dragon’s skull. Suddenly, it turns into an elderly wizard, Ravendark. He speaks to his master, Loki, who he is trying to free. By freeing Loki, Ravendark would no longer turn into a bird when leaving the cave. He goes to work on the magical spell to free Loki, who reveals himself to be Skullmaster. At a supermarket, Max is shopping for his mother. He teleports away to Norman and Virgil. Virgil tells Max about Ravendark and the Cavern of Doom. They make their way up to the cliff to the cavern. Norman prepares himself for battle against the Doom Dragon, who he fought before.

Inside the Cavern of Doom, Norman finds his old Thor helmet and hammer, as he once served under Odin. They find Ravendark, who is nearing completion of his spell. Norman tries to stop him, but fails. Virgil reveals that the earth will be destroyed if the Doom Dragon awakens, but Ravendark doesn’t care. Max and Virgil realize Skullmaster is behind this, but it is too late — the Doom Dragon awakens. The entire cavern is engulfed in flames, and the trio run to safety. However, Max trips and must hide in a box until the fire has diminished. Norman and Virgil make it outside, only to be greeted by the Doom Dragon, who claims to be hungry. In the body of the dragon, Max bounces around in the box until it breaks. He is immediately confronted by Ravendark. The magician refuses to believe he is being manipulated by Skullmaster.

Outside, the Doom Dragon gets annoyed with battling Norman and begins to tear the world apart. Norman smashes some boulders onto the dragon, diverting his attention back to him. Max uses a shield as a sled down the neck of the dragon, falling out and into Norman’s arms. Ravendark follows behind, and transforms unwillingly back into a bird. Ravendark, realizing he had been lied to, agrees to help Max get revenge by putting the Doom Dragon back to sleep. However, they are unaware of how to get back inside the dragon.

Max, Virgil, and Ravendark head to the supermarket Max first teleported from. Synchronized with Norman, they are planning to teleport inside the Doom Dragon’s belly. Norman accidentally loses count, but manages to get the Doom Dragon at the correct spot. The trio teleport inside, and Ravendark turns back into his human form. Ravendark realizes the only way to stop the Doom Dragon is with his “blood and soul.” Max tries to talk him out of it, but Ravendark teleports the pair away. Ravendark pulls out a knife and kills himself, sending the Doom Dragon back to sleep, turning to stone.

Episode description and synopsis sourced from the Mighty Max Wiki