Mighty Max Blows up Dino Lab – Doom Zone Review

Mighty Max doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to shutting down an evil professor creating havoc from his secret volcanic lair. After teleporting into the laboratory, Professor Zygote shows the Mighty One the power of his Volcano-Incubator. Mighty Max decides to set the creations loose on each other before making a quick exit.



The playset recreates the lab, hidden inside the volcano, built straight into a triceratops head. The big play feature of the set is Volcano-Incubator built into the volcano. The base of the playset also features a metal walkway, leading over hero through the craggy rocks and into the laboratory that occupies the top section of the set.

The laboratory is split into a section filled with berakers and equipment, with the middle section housing a raptor pen. At the top of the playset there’s a space for storage with a some painted barrels. The colours throughout the laboratory are bright and colourful, with ladders connecting each section. There’s plenty of space for Max to cause trouble.

The playset also comes equipped with plenty of characters for Max to fight against, Professor Zygote, a pterodactyl and a raptor. In the included comic, an all-out-dinosaur-fight ensues causing the lab to explode when Professor Zygote misses with the Volcano-Incubator.


The TV Show

Mighty Max gets summoned to a tropical island, hoping for a holiday he’s instead with met with out of control dinosaurs. After being cornered by some devolved henchmen riding dinosaurs, Mighty max, Virgil and Norman get tied to a tree as professor Zygote explains his whole plan. Max manages to escape, but his lizard, Thor, hiding in Max’s jumper, gets turned into a dinosaur.

Thankfully for Max, Thor sniffs out the secret lab and they head inside.

Once inside the secret lab, professor Zygote turns Virgil into a pterodactyl with his laser before turning his greatest creation, the Mutasaurus against Max and Norman. The only way to help Norman fight this beast is by leading Thor down into the laboratory. As Thor defeats the Mutasaurus with the help of Dinosaur-Virgil, Professor Zygote comes up with a new plan, to evolve himself.

His plan backfires as he evolves himself into a being so advanced, he can’t process the complex thoughts and knowledge he receives. Becoming immediately confused and child-like, Max takes control of the laser to return Virgil and Thor. Zygote stumbles onto the laser and presses buttons, causing the beam to erupt the volcano destroying the laboratory. At the end of the episode, Zygote gets a grasp on his new abilities, promising to see Mighty max again.


The Comic

On the back of the Mighty max playsets, was a story for Max’s latest adventure. For Mighty Max blows up Dino Lab, we gets teleported into the laboratory of a mad professor, creating his own dinosaurs.

Mighty max Blows Up Dinolab Mutasaurus Comic