Mighty Hits (Sega Saturn Game Review) – Christmas Spectacular

Mighty Hits for the Sega Saturn

What to play this Christmas? Why not something weird.

I’m obsessed with a Sega Saturn Christmas. I’ve taken a look at some of my favourite winter stages, games like Die Hard Trilogy as well as Christmas Nights into Dreams. All fantastic ways to enjoy your Christmas. But this year I wanted to look at something more party orientated. Mighty Hits is a shooting gallery style collection of mini-games. Each of the games has a non-violent objective as you throw balls, chase bees, hit targets and free a toy polar bear from the ice.

The game’s opening cinematic gives us a western-theme featuring a collection of puppets and toys. It doesn’t have anything to do with the story, but I love the imagination and how quirky Mighty Hits feels.

Mighty Hits Gallery of Games

Mighty Hits comes with a variety of non-violent challenges. The game feels like it takes place in a toybox, filled with dolls, toy trains, teddy’s and playing cards. The challenges vary in quality, from shooting a non-moving target to popping balloons to lower a cowboy onto a raft. The graphics are bright and fun for the Sega Saturn, but they certainly don’t have the same sort of charm as a game like Nights into Dreams.

Altron found inspiration for this title from a game Konami released on the Playstation, Point Blank. A similar style of non-violent, quirky, gallery shooting challenges. Point Blank was first released in 1994 and the comparisons are obvious. Mighty Hits however is a Saturn exclusive title, even though it doesn’t have the same challenge, variety and entertainment as Point Blank, it is a fantastic opportunity to use the Virtua Gun.

Sega Saturn Virtua Gun /  Stunner

The Sega Saturn console is based off Sega’s arcade board, the Titan, and Sega did a fantastic job bringing some of those arcade accessories home. The Sega Saturn Stunner feels like it was pulled straight from the arcades, it feels good to hold I love the squeeze of the trigger. This is a hardcore shooting device I previously checked out when I reviewed Die Hard Trilogy. I’ve used the Sega Saturn Stunner extensively throughout the Halloween reviews for the channel, but I was excited to explore what other games supported the light gun. Mighty Hits is certainly unique and makes use of the gun in a variety of non-violent mini games.

It’s easy to recommend games like Virtua Cop 1 & 2, House of the Dead and Crypt Killer, but if you’re after something different, Mighty Hits packs a lot of quirky charm into one game. Mighty Hits also supports the Sega Saturn mouse.


Check out some more Lightgun shooting titles for the Sega Saturn with the Halloween Review.