Mighty Max Trapped on Skull Mountain & Blasts Magus

Mighty Max Trapped on Skull Mountain & Blasts Magus

The biggest Mighty Max Playset Bluebird Toys ever released and the deluxe lava robot

To kick off season two of Mighty Max, the Mighty One had to go head-to-head with Skull Master deep in the centre of the Earth. Skull Master, the arch-villain of the franchise, was trapped deep below the surface thousands of years ago and it’s the cap-bearers fate to prevent Skull Master from taking over the world. What I love about the TV episode is that we get to see so many creatures, monsters and playsets from the toyline.

Right here, we’ll be looking at the Skullmaster’s lair, Skull Mountain as well as Lava Lord’s robot, Magus, which both feature in the cartoon. What is notable is that both these sets play really well along lots of other playsets from the toyline, such as Mighty Max Melts Lava Beast, another lava-style robot reviewed earlier and the lava beast horror head.

Mighty Max Trapped on Skull Mountain Images and Comic Panels


Every Mighty Max playset came with a comic panel, detailing the Mighty One’s adventures in each location. Tracking down the comic panels for Skull Mountain are a little more difficult. As discovered on eBay, some versions of the box had the comic panels printed directly on them. The screenshots below were captured from the eBay app, but if you’ve got scans to share don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Inside the Trapped in Skull Mountain playset we get an incredible roster of bad guys and monsters. Both Skullmaster and Warmonger appear with alternative designs in this set.

  • Skullmaster
  • Mighty Max
  • Warmonger
  • Double-Dragon
  • Rock Monster
  • Skeleturtle
  • Hammerhead Shark Sub
  • Giant Crab (missing)


Mighty Max Blasts Magus Images


Blasts Magus is a larger playset in the Mighty Max toyline that is often presented along playsets such as Terror Talon and Dragon island. Magus is a little unique because on its own, it presents very similar to a Mighty Max battle warrior (Like Pharaoh Phang or Cybot) but bigger.

There’s numerous compartments built into the playset, and plenty of pieces tucked away within Magus.

  • Lava Lord
  • Mighty Max
  • Virgil
  • Norman
  • Lava Monster
  • Magmatrak Reconnaissance Bike (Motorbike Riding Lava Beast)
  • Volcan Claw Vehicle
  • Magma Fist


Mighty Max Pandora’s Box (Season 2: Episode 1 & 2)


Mighty Max Trapped on Skull Mountain and Blasts Magus both made appearances in the first episode of the second season, Pandora’s Box.

At Skull Mountain a group of Lava Beasts are being forced to work by Rock Monsters armed with water jets capable of cooling down the beasts. Suddendly, the lava beasts stop working at the same time and move deeper into the cavern where Lava Lord is imprisoned. With the Crystal of Souls destroyed in the previous episode, he has come back to life and starts plotting revenge. Lava Lord was originally imprisoned by Skullmaster when he was banished to the centre of the Earth. Skullmaster quickly used the enslaved lava beasts to help him build his evil empire.

On the surface, Max is goofing around with Felix when he receives another call from Virgil. Max is starting to resent how being the Mighty One is keeping him from being just Max. Virgil agrees if he completes one last mission–striking at Skullmaster while he’s weakened from the loss of the crystal–Max can go back to being an ordinary kid.

Once in Skull Mountain they find an army of monsters awaiting them. Max and Norman fight on as Virgil is captured. As Max and Norman prepare to make a desperate final stand a group of Lava Beasts come by in a boat and save them, taking them before Lava Lord. He unveils the weapon with which he plans to get revenge on Skullmaster. The giant robot Magus.

Meanwhile, Skullmaster confronts Virgil and asks for his allegiance: it’s prophesized that the two of them will die together, but if they work together perhaps they can thwart destiny. Soon after Skullmaster gathers his forces and goes after Max and Norman. Virgil leads the attack…

Synopsis from Mighty Max Wiki